Theology Thursday-Week 10

Looking forward to ordering some books for some ministers who are writing about the passion the have for evangelical Christian ministry. I heard about these two from a friend, did a little research on my own, and really think I’m going to get them.

Here are a few:

Steven Furtick

His new book Unqualified looks very interesting. “I am unqualified. And so are you. This is a book for anyone frustrated with your failures and fed up with your weaknesses. It’s about coming to terms with the good, the bad, and the unmentionable in your life – and learning how to let God use you in spite of your mess.”

Levi Lusko

His new book Through the Eyes of a Lion looks pretty hardcore.  He lost his daughter to a terrible asthma attack, then preached two days later. Pretty incredible.  “In Through the Eyes of a Lion, Pastor Levi Lusko shares the eye-opening truth of the power of hope in a world that is often filled with pain, suffering, and loss. He says, “This book isn’t a manual for grieving, but a manifesto for high-octane living, and through it I want you to see that God made you for a purpose. There is a wild and wonderful calling on your life, a microphone in your hands. Jesus wants you to look at the adventure of your life through His eyes, the eyes of a Lion.”

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